Register to Vote!
Franklin county residents who are U.S. citizens can register to vote in Franklin County if any of the following are true:
You will turn 18 by Election Day
You are an ex-felon who has fully served your time
Your prior voter registration has lapsed (you were purged)
You have just moved into the county
Make Sure You Can Vote!
North Carolina has a process that it uses to keep voter registration lists up-to-date. Through this process, the NC Board of Elections periodically purges (deletes) the names of inactive voters. If you go to vote and find your registration has been purged, you may have to cast a provisional ballot.
Before you vote, check to be sure you are still registered and make any needed changes. This ensures:
Your registration was not purged from the list of eligible voters. If it was, you will have time to re-register to vote.
Your name, address, and party affiliation are up-to-date
You are able to vote
You are voting at the correct polling place
The following resources are very helpful. Also, see our Frequently Asked Questions page.
More resources are available at the North Carolina State Board of Elections